



Lab或者一个d delivery nurses play a pivotal role in bringing new life into the world. In addition to providing support to expectant mothers, lab或者一个d delivery nurses, or L&D护士s, are witness to the joy of families as they watch their newborns take a first breath. Students pursuing careers in this field not only have an opportunity to make a significant impact in their patients’ lives, 他们经常发现作为一个L&D护士 to be uniquely fulfilling and a potentially lucrative career path.

The first step in how to become a lab或者一个d delivery nurse is to develop the skills and knowledge to support pregnant women, 他们未出生的孩子, 和他们的家人一起度过这个过渡时期. 完成一个 护理学校英国正版365官方网站 can provide graduates with the foundational knowledge to pursue their dream of becoming an L&D护士. 


产房护士是一名护士 分娩过程中必不可少的一部分. These dedicated healthcare professionals not only assist patients during prenatal visits, 在分娩时支持妇女, 并监测新生儿的生命体征, 他们还对新妈妈和准妈妈进行有关产后恢复的教育. 

虽然我的确切职责&D护士s can vary based on the facility they work in, common job duties are as follows:

  • 支持孕妇产前检查 
  • 指导分娩准备课程 
  • Providing patients with information and assistance throughout lab或者一个d delivery 
  • 在整个分娩过程中指导和支持妇女 
  • 对新妈妈进行产后康复教育 
  • 在分娩过程中按照指示给药

L的时间表&D护士的变化取决于他们是否在医院工作, 私人医疗办事处, 门诊诊所, 或者独立的分娩设施, 或者他们是否在家分娩. 在保持标准营业时间的机构工作的护士, 比如医生的办公室, 可以工作9小时。.m. 到5点.m. 星期一至星期五. Professionals employed by facilities that provide 24-hour care or who provide at-home birthing services may have more fluid schedules. 他们可能在夜间、周末、假日和随叫随到轮班工作.


Students interested in becoming lab或者一个d delivery nurses must complete several benchmarks. 成为L的常见步骤&D护理包括以下内容:

1. 获得护理学位

Students interested in pursuing the fastest pathway toward becoming a lab或者一个d delivery nurse often start by earning a 实用护理证书 或者一个 护理学副学士(ADN). A practical nursing program can take as little as 15 months to complete. It also prepares students to take the NCLEX-PN exam and become licensed practical nurses (LPNs). 

ADN programs are designed to provide aspiring nurses with the essential knowledge and skills to start their careers in as little as two years. 完成一个n ADN program also prepares graduates to take the NCLEX-RN exam if they choose, 哪一个, 在通道, 允许他们作为 注册护士 (RNs). 许多雇主更喜欢L&护士持有注册护士执照.


在完成护理学位后,踌躇满志的L&D护士s must pass the NCLEX-PN or NCLEX-RN exam before they can gain state licensure as an LPN or RN. These computer-based tests consist of between 85 and 205 questions (NCLEX-PN) or between 74 and 145 questions (NCLEX-RN) and are graded in a pass-fail format. The exams are offered numerous times each year at testing centers throughout the U.S.

3. 培养关键技能

Aspiring lab或者一个d delivery nurses must be diligent in assessing changes in the health status of their patients, 尤其是在分娩时. Students interested in working in this field will be well-served by developing the following skills and proficiencies:

  • 能够在压力下茁壮成长 
  • 批判性思维能力
  • 沟通技巧
  • 同情 
  • 文化能力
  • 同理心

4. 获得工作经验

有抱负的L&D护士s typically need to acquire nursing experience before advancing to the position. 大多数L&D护士在公立或私立医院获得工作经验, 在独立的分娩中心, 以及团体或私人诊所, 等. 

5. 获得证书

Professionals looking to become lab或者一个d delivery nurses may choose to complete one or more certification programs to advance their credentials. 认证样本包括:

  • 新生儿复苏计划(NRP)
  • 胎儿电子监护(C-EFM)
  • 住院产科护理(RNC-OB) 

6. 继续专业发展

L&D护士s interested in furthering their education may choose to complete a 护理学学士学位 (BSN)英国正版365官方网站. BSN毕业生还可以继续攻读学士学位 护理学硕士 (MSN) or Doctor of 护理 Practice (DNP) to become advanced practice 注册护士 (APRNs) or certified nurse practitioners (NPs) in the obstetrics field. aprn通常享有更高的职业发展和收入潜力. 


美国.S. Bureau of Lab或者一个d Statistics (BLS) projects jobs in the field of registered nursing to grow by 6% between 2022 and 2032, 这比美国的预测要快.S. 整个就业市场. Practical nursing positions are expected to grow 5% during the same period. 

劳工统计局估计大约有193个,100个注册护士职位空缺,54个,400 positions for LPNs will become available each year from 2022 to 2032. Many of these vacancies are expected to become available due to the need to replace nurses who leave the workforce for various reasons, 比如养家糊口, 退休, 或者换工作. 

Complete a 护理 学校 程序 to Pursue Your Dream of Becoming a Lab或者一个d Delivery Nurse

If you are interested in pursuing a streamlined route toward becoming a lab或者一个d delivery nurse, 探索完成的好处 实际的护理 or 护理学副学士 富通的产品. The nursing programs at Fortis equip graduates with the fundamental skills to become licensed practitioners, as well as with the knowledge to provide care for expectant women as they prepare for labor.

你准备好踏上你教育旅程的下一步了吗? 了解如何完成一份 护理学校英国正版365官方网站 with Fortis can prepare you to start your career as a lab或者一个d delivery nurse. 



National Certification 程序, NCC Credential in 住院产科护理(RNC-OB)
U.S. 劳工统计局,注册护士
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses